MUTTER & KRUCHEN is a multi-award winning law firm where passion meets creativity and corporate law expertise to achieve our clients' goals.
What We Do And What Others Say About Us

We advise listed and medium-sized companies, family-owned companies and their shareholders as well as foundations on corporate and capital market law. For their managing directors, supervisory boards, owners and founders as well as in-house counsel, we are personal contacts and experienced advisors; this equally in the economically particularly relevant topics as well as in the legal issues of day-to-day business.
Our expertise is reflected in the numerous awards we have received in the German legal market for our work: For example, WirtschaftsWoche ranked us TOP Law Firm Mergers & Acquisitions in 2020. The study, published by dirju Deutsches Institut für Rechtsabteilungen und Unternehmensjuristen, also ranked us as one of the leading law firms in the field of Mergers & Acquisitions in its 2020/2021 edition.
MUTTER & KRUCHEN has also been repeatedly named a TOP Corporate Law Firm by WirtschaftsWoche for our work in Corporate Law. The study, which at that time was co-edited by the Bundesverband der Unternehmensjuristen e.V. (BUJ), had written about our work in corporate law in the 2018/19 edition, which was based on recommendations from corporate lawyers from hundreds of companies: "Hidden champion in this area of law is the Düsseldorf law firm MUTTER & KRUCHEN, which performs best in the ratio of recommendations made to professionals employed."

In the 2020/2021 edition, again named us as one of the leading law firms in corporate law. Without exception, each of our partners has been awarded the seal "Germany's Best Lawyers" several times by Handelsblatt for their advisory.
The editors of FOCUS also ranked us "among Germany's top commercial law firms based on an independent data survey" (issue 36/2021: corporate law). We were also selected and awarded as one of the best corporate law firms in 2022 in the survey by brand eins and Statista as we had been in 2021. These awards are based on the recommendation of fellow lawyers and clients.
The JUVE Handbook of Commercial Law Firms 2023/2024 once again lists all of our partners ad personam as "frequently recommended" and wrote about us: „The D‘dorfer boutique enjoys an excellent reputation for its expertise in Stock Corporation and Corporate Law. The partner-centered offering includes the broad ongoing support of (listed) companies as well as structural measures – partly also post-M&A – and advice to corporate bodies. Already in the 2020/2021 edition JUVE wrote about us: „The D'dorf boutique enjoys a good reputation for ist advice in Stock Corporation and Group Law and has developed ist way to major shareholders with partly significant transactions. In the 2018/2019 edition JUVE stated about us: "... enjoys a strong reputation in directors' and officers' liability matters and also has extensive experience in other board matters."
Our Lawyers
Dr. Stefan Mutter, Partner

Stefan is a highly recommended lawyer for corporate law, compliance, M&A and insurance with corresponding recognition in rankings and handbooks: WirtschaftsWoche: TOP Lawyer Mergers & Acquisitions 2020; TOP Lawyer Corporate Law 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019; Handelsblatt - Best Lawyers - Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019: Corporate Governance & Compliance; Corporate Law; Mergers and Acquisitions; "excellent lawyer" JUVE Handbook 2023/2024, p. 512 (competitor); "fast, precise and resilient statements", "many years of excellent support, fence around the house", "extraordinarily fast response time, deep knowledge of stock corporation law taking into account the specifics of insurance regulatory law" JUVE Handbook 2021/2022, p. 577 (clients) ; "excellent lawyer, fast, precise, pragmatic" JUVE Handbook 2011/12, p. 326 (client); "alone has more idea than at some firms 4 lawyers", JUVE Handbook 2010/2011, p. 318 (client); WirtschaftsWoche (29/2010, p. 87): list of the best lawyers for stock corporation law in Germany. The current study, published by dirju Deutsches Institut für Rechtsabteilungen und Unternehmensjuristen (German Institute for Legal Departments and Corporate Lawyers), names Stefan in its 2020/2021 edition both under "Leading Lawyers Corporate Law" (p. 116) and under "Leading Lawyers M&A" (p.186). Further recommendations in rankings and handbooks.
Stefan was admitted to the bar in Stuttgart in 1996. In 2002 he was admitted to the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart, and in 2009 he moved to Düsseldorf. He started his legal career at GLEISS LUTZ in 1996 and became a partner there in 1999. In 2000, Stefan was seconded to the London office of Herbert Smith LLP. In 2016, he founded MUTTER & KRUCHEN Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Düsseldorf with Dr. Carsten Kruchen.
Academic Background
Stefan studied law in Tübingen, where he also obtained the academic degree of Dr. jur. in 1994.
For many years Stefan has been speaking at events and conferences on corporate law issues and has authored
specialized books and numerous legal publications.
LinkedIn: Dr. Stefan Mutter
vCard: Dr. Stefan Mutter
Dr. Carsten Kruchen M.Jur. (Oxford), Partner

Carsten advises companies and investors on corporate, capital market and regulatory law issues, in particular on restructurings and M&A-projects. He also specializes in executive and supervisory board members advice, compliance, general meetings, foundation law and representation in corporate disputes. Carsten's industry focus is on advising IT companies, insurance companies and foundations.
Carsten is a highly recommended lawyer with corresponding recognition in rankings and handbooks: Handelsblatt - Best Lawyers – Germany’s Best Lawyers 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019 - Corporate Law and 2022 Corporate Governance & Compliance - WirtschaftsWoche TOP Lawyer Corporate Law 2021. The JUVE handbook lists him among the frequently recommended lawyers: "meticulous preparation, flawless procedural support" (2023/2024, p. 512, client), "client-oriented, exact" (2021/2022, p. 577, competitor), "extremely precise, very well connected" (2022/2023, p. 560, competitor).
Carsten was admitted to the Düsseldorf bar in 2010. He started his legal career at GLEISS LUTZ in 2010 and became an associated partner there in 2013. After more than 6 years at GLEISS LUTZ, Carsten founded MUTTER & KRUCHEN Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Düsseldorf in 2016 together with Stefan.
Academic Background
Carsten studied law at the University of Konstanz. From 2006 to 2007 he studied at Oxford University, where he obtained the academic degree of Magister Juris (M.Jur.).
He received his doctorate from the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg, where he was awarded the academic degree of Dr. jur.
Carsten speaks at events and conferences on issues of corporate and regulatory law and has a proven track record as an author; he has published
numerous articles in journals and textbooks, either alone or together with others. In 2011 to 2012, Carsten was a lecturer at the EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht for civil and corporate law.
He is a member of the Association for Promotion of German, European and Comparative Business Law.
LinkedIn: Dr. Carsten Kruchen
vCard: Dr. Carsten Kruchen
Jessica Werner, Employed Attorney

Jessica started her legal career in Hamburg. In fall 2020, she moved to Düsseldorf to specialize in corporate law and corporate transactions at MUTTER & KRUCHEN.
Academic Background
Jessica studied law at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg and graduated in 2017. She is already a designated author on corporate law issues.
vCard: Jessica Werner
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät Die Stuttgarter bei Zusammenschluss mit der SdK
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MUTTER & KRUCHEN erhält mehrere Auszeichnungen in „Die besten Kanzleien Deutschlands 2024“
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MUTTER & KRUCHEN begleitet die CINETIC Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung und Vertrieb von Medientechnik mbH GmbH erfolgreich im Spruchverfahren gegen Minderheitsaktionäre der Atevia AG
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MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät Provinzial bei Beteiligung als strategischer Partner an der JDC Group AG
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MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät Bertrandt beim Erwerb der Philotech Gruppe
Pressemitteilung Januar 2022
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die Stuttgarter Versicherung Holding AG bei Beteiligung an Blue Estate GmbH
Pressemitteilung Dezember 2021
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die Aareon AG bei dem Erwerb des ERP-Anbieters GAP-Group
Pressemitteilung Oktober 2021
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die Aareon AG bei dem Erwerb des PropTech wohnungshelden GmbH
Pressemitteilung August 2021
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die BWK GmbH Unternehmensbeteiligungsgesellschaft bei stiller Beteiligung an den Frischfaserkartonwerken der Mayr-Melnhof Karton AG
Pressemitteilung August 2021
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die CompuGroup Medical beim Erwerb der Meta IT GmbH
Pressemitteilung Juni 2021
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät den Verkauf der it relations GmbH
Pressemitteilung April 2021
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät Verschmelzung von PLUS Lebensversicherung und Direkte Leben Versicherung
Pressemitteilung August 2020
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät Ankeraktionärin
Legal Tribune Online, 28.02.2020
Media archive
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die Aareon AG bei dem Erwerb der CalCon-Gruppe
Pressemitteilung November 2019
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die Aareon AG bei grenzüberschreitender Verschmelzung mit der 1ST TOUCH LIMITED
Pressemitteilung März 2019
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät sino Konzern zu Fintech: Deutschlands erster mobiler und provisionsfreier Broker für Aktien und ETFs
Pressemitteilung Januar 2019
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die Provinzial NordWest Holding Aktiengesellschaft beim Erwerb einer Mehrheitsbeteiligung an der OCC
Pressemitteilung Mai 2018
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die Aareon AG bei dem Erwerb der immobilienwirtschaftlichen IT-Sparte von mse
Pressemitteilung November 2017
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät beim Verkauf der Softwarebüro Zauner GmbH & Co. KG
Pressemitteilung August 2017
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die Vereinigte Volksbank AG beim Formwechsel in eine Genossenschaft und deren außerordentlicher Hauptversammlung
Pressemitteilung Dezember 2016
MUTTER & KRUCHEN berät die Atevia AG beim Squeeze-out
Pressemitteilung September 2016
MUTTER & KRUCHEN: Langjähriger Gleiss-Partner gründet eigene Kanzlei
Legal Tribune Online, 11.04.2016